Thursday, July 12, 2012

Are You Listed In The Nurses Aide Registry?

The tracking of local professionals who are eligible for employment in the field of nursing is tracked through what is known as a nurses aide registry. For health care employers, this tool is a blessing as it allows them to quickly cross-check a job applicant's resume against his or her actual employment record, as well as confirm their certification status.

Getting Listed In The CNA Registry

Inclusion in the nurses aide registry is determined by whether or not a person has kept his or her certification in good standing by meeting any new standards, and continuing to show proof of their ongoing education with good test scores on periodically mandated exams.

For any CNA that is new to an area, it is absolutely vital that they take the necessary steps to get listed in the registry. This is not only important to keeping your professional record in good standing, but is also essential to your ability to secure future employment.

The CNA Registry Exam

Getting listed requires passing the registry exam at some point and then maintaining your standing going forward. Upon graduation from an accredited CNA class, you will be qualified to sit for the exam for a period of two years. Should you not take the test at some point in those two years, it will become necessary to go through another training program in order to regain your eligibility.

Why The Nurses Aide Registry Is Needed

The nurses aide registry is an important resource for the medical industry and the greater community in general because it provides a safeguard ensuring that only qualified personnel are entrusted with nursing positions. Beyond the registry's tracking of professional credentials, it also compiles information on reported abuses and other problems with the individual's job history. This additional aspect of the registry is important because it helps employers identify and weed-out potential problems before they even grant an interview.

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