Sunday, July 1, 2012

Four Easy Steps to Become a CNA

Have you considered becoming a CNA but need a little help to find the right way to join this growing profession? 

Right now you might not understand what is needed to become a CNA but put those doubts and worries aside since it is an easy four step process. 

In the following article, I will walk you through the various steps needed to get your foot in the door and to tell you what it takes to be a successful certified nursing assistant (CNA).

Step One- Gaining Valuable Clinical Experience

Before you spend money training to be a CNA, you may want some practical experience to see if this will be the job for you. You may consider applying for a job at a clinic or hospital for some hands on experience. I would also recommend checking in with your state to see if they offer a free program with on the job training. Having this experience as an intern should prove very valuable in the job market, plus you know that you made the right choice to for your CNA license.

Step Two- CNA Courses

One of the first steps on the road to becoming a CNA is taking the required training courses that are necessary to take certification exam. Before enrolling in a CNA class, make sure you contact your state's Board of Health to find the exact requirements of your state. Even though most of the requirements are very similar, some minor differences may impede your path towards your career. There are a variety of CNA programs that can be taken at community colleges, online colleges, technical and vocational schools as well as some hospitals, high schools and even the Red Cross. These classes are fast paced lasting between 6 and 10 weeks and provide you the correct information for your upcoming certification exam.

Step Three- Taking the CNA Exam

Now that you have completed your CNA courses, the next step is taking the exam. You find that the CNA exam will be split in to two parts with a written or possible oral part and live demonstration showing your ability in regular and emergency simulations. You will need to remain focused and follow the directions carefully since failing any part of this exam will mean retaking the CNA courses as well as slowing down your progress to join the job market.

Step Four- Finding CNA Jobs

You've passed your exams and now you are ready to join the world of working CNAs. Unless you have a job lined up before you passed your exam, you should create a resume that will show that you have what it takes to be a CNA including the passing of your exams and training. You should also include any other health care related experience you may have, such as the internship mentioned previously. Apply at a local clinic or hospital and make sure that in the interview process, you come off as confident to handle any situation. Once you have your new job, you will experience the rewards of your hard work both from knowing you are helping others and the paycheck you will soon receive. 

I hope that you will find these easy four steps will help you fill your life with a rewarding and very lucrative career. It may have seemed challenging when you first considered becoming a CNA but now you know you can do it easily.

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